Vietnamese Flavours on 118 ave

Six years ago, the brainchild of Thien, Laura and Diep Truong revitalized the culinary scene at the end of 118th avenue in northeast Edmonton. T&D Vietnamese Noodle House was born from the Truong family vision and the investment earned from years of hard work, and the desire to bring delicious Vietnamese cuisine to the community.


This has led to a culinary jewel becoming a mainstay in the area. Laura Truong has been through the rigours and challenges of getting the restaurant off the ground, and in steadily building a following that is founded on the passion for making food out of love. T&D continues to play an important role in the community and to support the local initiatives in the hope that the area will continue to grow and flourish over time. Laura’s favourite two dishes are the appetizers beef wrapped in guise leaves and the pork and shrimp tapioca dumplings. The Truong family’s origins extend from the region of Hue city in central Vietnam. The beef is flavourful on its own while the dumplings are usually consumed with a salty fish sauce to enhance the flavour. Both dishes are hand made and as a result are very labour intensive.


T&D would love for the public to experience these two dishes amongst some other favourites. The Truong family enjoys consuming their food as much as sharing it with the public.